“Spend as much time as possible on mountains, in small boats, or otherwise out in the weather; if you never get wet, cold, exhausted or scared, you won’t properly appreciate being dry, warm, rested and safe.” ~ Peter Jay

"I’m an adventuring river rat at heart. Put me on a floating piece of driftwood and I’m happy." ~ Christina Glauner

"There’s folly and foolhardiness on one side and daring and calculation on the other." ~ C.S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower novels

Friday, December 10, 2010

First ice of the year.

The forecast for yesterday was mid 40s, so I decided to take the afternoon off for a bit of paddling. As some of you know, I have been very disappointed in winter paddling gloves. Every combination I have tried have kept my hands dry, but not warm. The last couple of years I tried the NRS Hydroskin gloves and NRS Reactor gloves. A couple of weeks ago, I tried the Hydroskin gloves with NRS glove liners and still nothing. So, yesterday I wore the Reactor gloves with the glove liners.
After loading the CD Storm GT and some gear, I proceeded to the causeway. I considered going around La Framboise Island, but it was a bit windy, so I launched from  the gravel area near the American Legion cabin and headed towards Dump Island (between La Framboise and Pierre).
On my way down, the gloves performed very well. When I was about 200-300 feet from Dump Island, I noticed the water around the island looked a bit odd ...and shiny. Thankfully I did not go around La Framboise, because the river between Pierre and La Framboise has began to freeze. As I tried to capture some decent pictures of the ice, the wind pushed me into the "ice field". I had to claw my way out with both my hands and my paddle. My hands did get cold on my way back to the Legion, but the Reactor gloves with the glove liners has been the best option for winter gloves thus far. The high in Pierre hit 51 degrees according to NOAA.

From 2010-12-09
From 2010-12-09
From 2010-12-09
From 2010-12-09

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010


Last Thursday, I intended to go paddling with Sol Brich around La Framboise Island. I didn't get back to Pierre until about 6 PM when he planned to depart though. He was taking a coworker out onto the water, so he went ahead and began his float. I was on the water by 6:30 PM. I had a goal in mind... to catch up with them. As I approached the causeway to finish up my cruise, I saw Sol's pickup leaving the causeway. I made it around the island in just a hair over an hour! Some pictures from Thursday (notice how high the water is):
On Sunday, after returning from stripping cylinders in Chamberlain, I decided to embark on a journey up the Bad River. As I said above, the water is very high and I made it further upstream than I have ever before. I made it a full 4 miles upstream from the Bad River boat ramp... a full 0.5 mile farther than my previous record.Totaling 8 miles for the day.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lake Vermillion, La Framboise Island, and Hobie mirage drives...

Last Friday, I was in Sioux Falls to catch the Wild Colonial Bhoys play at McNally's Irish Pub. Ryan Snuggerud met me there and we talked a bit and ended up doing a little game planning for the 2011 SDKC. Before heading back to Pierre on Saturday, I stopped at the Lake Vermillion State Recreation Area for a little paddling. Besides one fisherman, I had the lake to myself. First, I paddled from the boat ramp over to the bridge and into the small arm of the lake beyond. I then paddled up towards the dam (see picture below). I started to paddle up the north-south part of the lake, but the wind was blowing pretty good coming down the lake. After attacking the wind for a bit, I decided to head back. I would have liked to have made it up into the Vermillion River but I didn't want to wear myself out before the drive home. I think I spent about an hour on the water.
From 2010-09-18
Yesterday, I went for a paddle around La Framboise Island. When I got to the boat ramp on the causeway, I discovered that the steel ramp onto the dock was underwater!
From 2010-09-25
From 2010-09-25
From 2010-09-25
From 2010-09-25
A couple of pictures showing the dike structure at the end of the channel alongside the island:
From 2010-09-25
From 2010-09-25
It was a great day for a paddle. Not too much to report. Saw numerous ducks and startled one deer, a doe. After turning the corner around the island and heading back towards the causeway, I came across another kayaker. He was pedaling one of the Hobie mirage drive boats, probably something like an 8 foot model.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Converting a canoeist... and eagles.

Sorry that I haven't posted much lately. Beginning in August, I have been doing my field training for work and have been putting in 50-60 hours a week. The OT is nice, but my kayaking time is severely hampered. On Saturday, Chuck and took out a coworker of his that also happens to play ultimate frisbee with me on Wednesdays, Andy. Andy is an experienced canoeist and has done the Boundary Waters with his dad.
Nothing too fancy, we did our bread and butter route around La Framboise Island. We did see quite a few immature bald eagles along the channel/chute alongside the island.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sea Gull Island

Sorry that I haven't posted much lately, Since my trip to Ireland I have not paddled much and when I have it has been the same old routine, La Framboise, and Farm Island. Today I went up to Lake Oahe. I managed to forget my GPS and camera when I left, so I estimated my distance with Google Maps and used my phone for a few pictures.
I drove up to Okobojo Point and launched from camp site #1. I paddled up the bay towards what becomes Okobojo Creek. I started a little late in the day and did not make it to where it begins to look like a creek. I did find a nice, little island. As I approached it, I noticed it was full of seagulls. They scattered as I got closer. It was a neat, little hideaway and I would like camp on it some time. It was about 2.5 miles to the backside of the island, about 5 miles round trip.

View Sea Gull Island in a larger map

Launching from campsite #1. From 2010-08-01
This looked like a nice place to take a nap... From 2010-08-01
Reminiscent of The Birds... Thank You, Alfred Hitchcock. From 2010-08-01

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Weekend

I did a fair amount of paddling over the holiday weekend. The weekend started out on dry land though with my 10 year high school reunion on Friday evening (man, I am starting to feel old). On Saturday, I paddled upstream from the causeway to diver's point, about 4.5 miles up. The dam was releasing, so my trip back down went quickly. I paddled around La Framboise on Saturday evening and again Monday afternoon. I also took Indy out in the tandem on Monday. A few pics...

From 2010-07-04

From 2010-07-04

From 2010-07-05

From 2010-07-05

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Storm's Crossing

Yesterday was beautiful, little wind and temperature in the 80s or low 90s. I decided to go for a short paddle. I put in at the Farm Island boat ramp near the polo field. This is a seldom used boat ramp, because there is no dock and the water is fairly shallow near it. Typically, I only see people shore fishing from it and on occasion I will see a john boat launching from it. I understand that catfish are common in the vicinity.
I decided to paddle upstream to a little creek that is always difficult to find when heading upstream. It is hidden by the vegetation at the mouth, but can be easily spotted when heading downstream. The Lewis and Clark trail in Pierre crosses it and there is a sign at the crossing/bridge labeling it as Storm's Crossing. I recall that it is named for a fallen SD soldier; I can't remember any specifics.
I did manage to miss the creek on my way upstream, but I found it after I gave up and started back downstream. I proceeded up the creek the short distance to the bridge. I had to push a few logs out of the way with the bow of my kayak to reach the bridge. It is not possible to get beyond the bridge. I then headed back to the Farm Island boat ramp (polo fields). After loading my gear/boat, I stopped at the polo fields to give Chuck heck about choosing to fly his RC planes over kayaking.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Farm Island and Sails

Chuck and I went paddling this afternoon at Farm Island. We met at what is known as the boater's beach, which is near the main boat ramp. We paddled down to the entrance into the fingers/inlets into the interior of the island. We went up two of the fingers before heading back to the beach. Chuck used his sail a bit on the way down to the entrance and on the way out of the fingers. The water was very high and I did not notice near as many carp as the last time I was in the fingers. We ended up covering about 5.4 miles.

Rough Water

Saturday was Andy's, my college roommate's, last full day visiting me. The wind was blowing a little harder and there was a chance of storms all day. We decided to borrow Chuck's Temptest for Andy to try and just paddle around the beach area of Oahe Downstream. Right away I had Andy out surfing in the rough water, but when we took a reprieve near the beach Andy had trouble getting the Temptest to turn to go back out into the rough water. We tried switching boats and it helped some, but we decided that he just needs a little more experience before trying a longer boat in rough water. The Temptest reminded me why I dislike it; I could barely get out of it, my feet were so numb!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sharing La Framboise

On Friday, Andy (my college roommate) and I went paddling with Dave Pfahler around La Framboise Island. Nothing too spectacular, just a routine cruise. The water level was very high though. Pretty much the whole dam/dike is underwater. I am also sharing a picture I took in Griffin Park. There is a RV club around town this weekend and it seems a lot of the members also have boats. I kind of liked how this one RV carried a kayak.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Oahe Days and Bad River

My roommate from college had some vacation time to use or lose, so he decided to come up to Pierre for Oahe Days and to hang around for a week or so. On Saturday, we took in the free picnic at the Capital for the 100th anniversary of the Capital Building. There was roast beef and pork sandwiches, chips, cookies, and water. I then took him down to the river to give him some experience in a kayak before we tried a cruise. We just dinked about between Dump Island and the causeway. Came across numerous people I knew. We saw Chuck crashing his planes on shore, a coworker of mine tried unsuccessfully to enter his boat stereo into a car stereo contest... he would have won, in my opinion. And we also came across some friends of mine at the beach playing floating beer pong.

From 2010-06-20

On Sunday, I decided to take him up the Bad River. Apparently, the point John Adler and I made it too last summer/fall is the furthest point possible. The water seemed higher yesterday than last year, but we made it about the same distance. We pushed about 3.5 miles up, totaling 7 miles for the cruise.

From 2010-06-20
From 2010-06-20

Sunday, June 13, 2010

La Framboise Loop & Capital Creek

It was a dreary day today, but since there was no T-storms Chuck and I decided to go paddling. We met at the causeway at 1 PM. I was paddling the Storm GT and Chuck brought down his WS Northstar tandem. His girlfriend, Diana, was in town this weekend. Nothing too special, just a quick circumnavigation of La Framboise Island. The water level was high today, both boats made it over the dike structure without touching it. We also skirted up Capital Creek to the box culvert underneath a road through Griffen Park. Total distance was 5.9 miles.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Into Farm Island... Beware of Carp!

Today, I went out to what is called the boater's beach at Farm Island State Recreation Area. It is a sandy beach behind the East Campground (separate from the swim beach). Launching from the boater's beach, I headed downstream towards the channels into the interior of Farm Island. It is about 1.25 miles down to the point of entry. Once in, I took the time to explore all 4 fingers of the interior. I have done this numerous times, so nothing too surprising occurred. Numerous small birds were about. What I believe are carp always seem numerous in the channels, but today there seemed to be a greater than normal population. There were points where I could see dozens of fins sticking above the water and there were splashes all along the channels as I passed by. A few even splashed close enough to get water on my spray skirt! I covered 6.5 miles on today's outing. Quite a few pictures in the slideshow below. I had the interval shooting set to 45 seconds. One minute, thirty seconds is appearing to be a better setting for shorter outings.

SDCKA Paddling Fair

I don't have too much to share, but yesterday I moseyed down to Sioux Falls for the SDCKA paddling fair at Family Park, near the intersection of 12th St. and Tea-Ellis Rd. I used the trip to also visit a friend in Mitchell and drop off a few things at my sister's new apartment in Sioux Falls. I even stopped over at Ribfest after the event for a bite to eat.
Seems like we only had 7 or 8 non-paddlers show up to try out boats. The fact that it had been raining right up to the start of the event could be partially to blame. We did have plenty of paddlers wanting to try different boats though, so the even was a success. It seemed to me that my Current Designs Storm GT was hit. I saw a handful of people take it out for a spin. Actually, I never even took it out! I did take my dog, Indy, out in my tandem. He behaved quite well. Later on, I even took a KDLT cameraman out so he could get some better shots. We had news coverage from both KDLT and KELO. I caught video clips on both stations on the 10:00 PM news, but the online articles do not include the video clips.
After the event, I headed over to the Sioux Falls Arena to checkout Ribfest. I was not there too long, maybe 45 minutes. In hindsight, I probably should have stayed the night in Sioux Falls to more thoroughly enjoy Ribfest, maybe next year...

From 2010-06-05

From 2010-06-05

Sunday, May 30, 2010

South Dakota Kayak Challenge

Yesterday I participated in the first South Dakota Kayak Challenge. On Friday, I drove down to Yankton for the pre-race meeting and to camp in Riverside Park, the starting point. After the meeting, we shuttled cars to the finish line at Bev's On The River in Sioux City and took a bus back to Yankton. Ryan Snuggerud was also racing and he camped next to me. We also planned to stick near each other for most of the race.

View SDKC in a larger map

There were racers from Ontario, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and, of course, South Dakota. Boats ranged from surf skies to sea kayaks to recreation kayaks. Even the race veterans (MR 340, Texas Water Safari) were impressed with the number of racers for the inaugural event. After the race, I am told, the first overall racer said that it was his toughest race.
That maybe because of the typical South Dakota winds we experienced. We had winds in the 20s mph and gusts up to 32 mph. The temperature was in the low to mid 90s.
Looking over the map (above), Ryan and I did a good job of trying to shave distance by cutting across the river curves. My gps data shows 67.3 miles for the course, under the 72 river miles.
We also had another paddler hanging with us through the race, Justin Herreman of Black Hills Paddlers fame. As the race went on, we grew more tired. Three quarters of the way through the first section, I put my rudder down because I realized I would wear down too quickly if I was constantly leaning/edging as I fought against the headwind. Ryan and I got out and stretched at every check point, plus on one sandbar. As we neared the finish, Justin and I sprinted out, giving the patrons at Bev's On The River and Jolly Rogers a show. I was into the marina mere seconds ahead of him (Justin) with Ryan right behind.
We were exhausted, but I believe everyone thoroughly enjoyed the event. Thanks again to the volunteers, sponsors, and racers that made this a successful race. Here's to next years race!

We came across the finish line (marina entrance) roughly around 9 PM, 14 hours after the start. Results will be online Monday afternoon, but I though I heard that we rounded out the top 20 or 25. In my sprint with Justin, I was paddling a minimum of 8 mph and hit 8.5 mph.
EDITED TO ADD: The results were posted today. Justin and I were tied for 9th in the adventurer class. We finished at 8:53 PM with Ryan just a minute behind us.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I can't believe I am saying this, but I want more wind!

After camping through a torrential downpour, T-storm, and gale force winds on Friday night, I took Indy home to catch up on his sleep. I on the other hand tried to go paddling around La Framboise Island to play in the waves (on Saturday). Though by Saturday afternoon the wind was dying back down. I did get some playing in, but it was no where near as windy as when John and I did the same last summer. I ended up paddling around the  whole island as well. The high yesterday was 89 degrees... great day to be on the river. There were lots of boats out and lots of shore fisherman taking advantage of the free fishing weekend. I once again had the Pentax Optio W80 mounted to the bow of my Current Designs Storm GT for the endeavor.
This bodes well...

From 2010-05-22
This the sort of thing I bought a waterproof camera with interval shoot and a camera mount to capture.

From 2010-05-22
Cooling the horses off, I presume.

From 2010-05-22

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bad River

I went for an evening paddle last night. I put in at the causeway and paddled over to the mouth of the Bad River. I then began to continue upstream. The Bad River had a high turbidity... it seemed even higher than normal. I decided to turn around just before the second railroad bridge, so as to make it back home before it got too late. I ended up covering just over 6 miles. Again, I was carrying my camera mounted near the bow and set to interval shooting. I haven't stated this yet, but I also have secured a mounting plate for my gps to the kayak deck.

I also want to address a recent comment on pictures I uploaded to facebook. When I took a couple friends out in my tandem, you can see they are not wearing life jackets. They DID have life jackets in the boat. I always wear my life jacket, but I am not going to force any adult to wear one. They are adults capable of their own decisions.

Monday, May 17, 2010

All of my boats have hit the water this year...

Yesterday my tandem managed to get wet. I took a couple more friends out kayaking around La Framboise Island. I was playing with my new Sticky Pod mount and the interval shooting mode on my new Pentax Optio W80 camera. I had the camera mounted to the side of the boat up near the bow. It held really well, but I need to lengthen the interval from 20 seconds to maybe a minute or 5... and probably half a hour for the SD Kayak Challenge.
We stayed outside the channel alongside the island because the water was a bit low. We covered a hair over 6 miles. Nothing else too exciting to write about.

From 2010-05-16

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Taking rookies out...

Yesterday, Chuck and I took a couple of non-paddler friends of mine around La Framboise Island. I paddled my CD Storm GT, Chuck paddled his QCC 700X and my friends paddled my Perception Carolina 14 and Chuck's WS Tsunami 14.5.

I also was playing with my new camera (Pentax Option W80) and mount (Stickypod). I setup the camera to operate on interval shooting, which allows me to set a time interval (i.e. 30 seconds) for the camera to take pictures until the flash card is full or a set number of pictures is taken. It is a very neat feature.

We took our time around the island, stopping frequently to adjust the seats etc. in the borrowed boats and give a few tips on paddling, etc. We paddled through the channel/chute alongside the island... less than a hour ahead of us another couple of paddlers beached their boat, scrambled into the island, and captured more pictures of the moose (Yes, Dave P. was one of the two!).

We did have to use our hands to propel us through the last little bit of the channel/chute. When we got to the dike structure, the water was too low to get the fiberglass and carbon/kevlar boats across, though I went over and back in my plastic boat. So we headed out into the main channel and back around the end of the island. As we were coming around the end of the island, through the main channel, apparently a fishing tournament was ending. 20+ boats started coming through the narrow channel at the end of the island. The water got rough and we had to stop to bail some water on the borrowed boats.

Luckily, once we got past the end of the island, the water turned to glass and the rest of the trip was uneventful. Well, besides my camera battery dieing, a function of interval shooting I believe. I then spent a little time paddling backwards!

This trip was probably the longest it has ever taken me to go around the island, but it was still a blast just to introduce non-paddlers to the sport. We covered 6.5 miles.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Paddle

Well, after the gale like winds of the weekend and the forecast winds for Tuesday and Wednesday, I decided on Sunday evening that I would paddle around La Framboise after work on Monday. To add a new twist to what is becoming a mundane paddle for me, I invited some "non-paddler" friends to come along; I also invited another Pierre paddler that I have been trying to paddle with to come along too. I loaded all three boats onto my rack and proceeded to the causeway at 6 PM.

From 2010-05-03
For various reasons, all of the "non-paddlers" bailed on me. But Sol B., a SD Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources engineer and fellow Pierre paddler joined me. Once I realized who he was a month or so ago, I have been trying to get him out on the water with me.
We started out by leaving the causeway and heading up to the bridges. Sol had a fishing rod along and wanted to see how well the fish were biting.

From 2010-05-03

There were numerous fishing boats out along the west shoreline, but Sol didn't get any bites as we floated past. So we continued on towards La Framboise Island.

From 2010-05-03
Obviously, I was paddling my (still new) Current Designs Storm GT. Sol was paddling a Perception Eclipse. He also has a Perception Carolina, but the older 14.5 ft. model rather my newer 14 ft. model. The picture above may be the first time I have caught a train crossing the railroad bridge; I was pretty stoked. Also, I am using my new camera, a Pentax Optio W80.

From 2010-05-03

From 2010-05-03

We ended up covering 6.8 miles and had a great time. I am loving having a smaller camera out on the water too! I do plan on trying to get the some of my "non-paddling" friends onto the water again, probably sooner rather than later too.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

2010 Earth Day Paddle

The forecast must have been enough to deter most paddlers, because only 7 paddlers showed for the South Dakota Canoe and Kayak Association's kickoff paddle/Earth Day cruise. We had a little rain early on, but were greeted with sunshine and blue skies for most of the cruise. We put in at the pow wow grounds north of Flandreau, SD. The small rapid/ripple that is normally there was completely submerged today. The banks, as normal, were quite muddy. We took out just above the low head dam in Flandreau proper. We covered just shy of 9 miles by my gps. It was a very enjoyable cruise. Lots of discussion of the upcoming SD Kayak Challenge too. See you on the water!

Friday, April 16, 2010

La Framboise Lesiure

The winds around Pierre finally decided to subside today. I sent an email out to the Pierre Paddlers email group, consisting of three other paddlers around Pierre that I know and three identities I have no idea who they are. I also sent an email to a paddler that should soon be adding himself to the email list. The plan was to meet at the causeway at 6:30PM for a La Framboise circumnavigation. Only Dave P. was able to make it down. We took one of the most leisurely cruises around the island I have ever had. I normally try to work on speed. We came across two different groups of young deer playing along the channel/chute that runs along the island. We also saw a pair of bald eagles in a tree (and nest). But, alas, we did not get a glimpse of the La Framboise moose.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Maiden Voyage

When the winds calmed down yesterday, I was too tired from my drive home to take the Current Designs Storm GT out for it's maiden voyage. Tomorrow is looking to be very windy, so I elected to deal with today's wind to get the boat wet. The temperature was in the mid 70s and the wind was ~20mph with gusts of ~30mph. I chose to launch from the gravel beach near the American Legion cabin in Pierre. I paddled into the wind down to Dump Island, came around the island and returned to the beach. I failed to turn my gps on when I first embarked , but I know from experience that it is roughly 4 miles. Once I had the gps on, I noticed that I was traveling as fast into the headwind as I could paddle my Perception Carolina 14 on a normal day. I fiddled around with the rudder a bit, but I felt more comfortable edging the kayak. I figure I will use the rudder in worse conditions or when I am too worn out to edge anymore.

From 2010-04-12
From 2010-04-12
From 2010-04-12
And my garage with all  three boats...
From 2010-04-12

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lazy Paddles

Sunday was a beautiful day, but I was short of time due to other commitments. I managed to get out for about half an hour. Which isn't too bad since my house is only a mile from the causeway. A few pics from the day:

I also got out yesterday after work. I felt obligated to go out when the high hit 81 degrees! Again, I wasn't out very long, about 45 minutes. I did take Indy out for the first time this year though. He did OK, but he is not like Scruff was yet. Scruff was fearless in his jumping into the water while Indy is happy to lay on my spray skirt the whole time. He gets in the way whenever he tries to sit up. We need to work on him sitting further forward on the deck or dust off the tandem. A few pics:

And lastly, we came across the fabled Missouri River rock gardens... the dam wasn't releasing enough to make them at all similar to real rock gardens though!

From 2010-03-30

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I found another site to find used gear or sell old gear: http://www.paddleswap.com/index.html Besides their own listings, they also show paddling.net classifieds and ebay listings.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21 Cruise

Chuck and I met at the causeway at noon today for a paddle. It was 40 degrees with the forecasted high to be over 50. It is 58 degrees as I type up this blog. The winds were calm and the sun was shining. First we paddled over to the Bad River for a look and it was flowing decent and was very dirty.
From 2010-03-21

We then continued downstream along La Framboise Island. We noticed a few people fishing from the shore of the island. A week or two ago, an ice jam on the Bad River broke and there was plenty of debris downstream from it.

From 2010-03-21

From 2010-03-21

In the next picture, notice how low Chuck's boat is sitting in the water... more on that later.

From 2010-03-21

We continued down to the end of the island and turned around and headed back upstream since the other side is still frozen. There were a few times on the trip that either Chuck or I heard running water. On one of the occasions we discovered a "waterfall" coming down the west river bluffs.

From 2010-03-21

When we got back to the causeway, Chuck checked his stern hatch and found a fair amount of water! The gel coat repair he did last summer apparently didn't hold up.

From 2010-03-21

From 2010-03-21

I didn't take my gps along today, but from past experience I figure we did between 5 and 6 miles. I had hoped for a glimpse of the fabled La Framboise moose. Best we could muster was a bald eagle. Click on any of the pictures to go to the Picasa Web Album to see more pictures.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Canoecopia 2010

Last year, a fellow South Dakota paddler, Ryan S., went to the paddling expo in Madison, WI known as Canoecopia. He raved about it so much that I had to go with him this year to check it out myself. It was fantastic! Shiny boats, cool gear, and great presentations filled up the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. We both sat in many boats and both had favorites, Ryan liked the P & H Scorpio LV and I liked the Current Designs Storm GT. My favorite presentation was by Kevin Callan, a Canadian paddler and writer, that I consider the canoe version of Rick Moranis. He is hilarious. There was also a fitness paddling presentation from Olympian Greg Barton and a presentation of stand up paddle boarding.

I am actually currently looking into making a CD Storm GT into my own boat :) Also, Folbot is having a 15% off sale until March 22nd.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March Paddle

I very rarely, if ever, have a regrettable paddle. I am not sure if today's paddle was regrettable but it was close. Just before noon, I went for a run with my dog and it was nice enough to wear shorts. The temperature was right at 40 degrees (F), which happens to by my paddling threshold. I loaded my boat in anticipation of going to the causeway at 1:30. After I loaded the boat, the sun, which had been peeking through clouds all morning, disappeared behind more clouds. I decided to continue with my plans. Once out on the water, the wind also picked up, getting into the teens (mph). For the most part I stayed plenty warm between my WaveLite liner, wetsuit, and splash gear. On the other hand even with my new gloves, my fingers were getting very cold. Thus, I only stayed out for about thirty minutes and covered just 1.5 miles.
From 2010-03-07
From 2010-03-07
From 2010-03-07

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pierre Paddlers

Any locals to the Pierre - Ft Pierre, SD area that happen to paddle kayaks, canoes, or whatever, please join the email group I set up through Google. John Adler has moved (though still trying to sell his house) to Hot Springs, SD to run a KOA campground. Instead of taking over his Kayak Club Yahoo group, I decided to create my own because I prefer Google and I liked the idea of including all paddle sports in the name. The idea is to share when and where you play to go paddling so other members can join you if they want.

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