“Spend as much time as possible on mountains, in small boats, or otherwise out in the weather; if you never get wet, cold, exhausted or scared, you won’t properly appreciate being dry, warm, rested and safe.” ~ Peter Jay

"I’m an adventuring river rat at heart. Put me on a floating piece of driftwood and I’m happy." ~ Christina Glauner

"There’s folly and foolhardiness on one side and daring and calculation on the other." ~ C.S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower novels

Sunday, June 8, 2008


A quick catch up on myself since this blog has been quiet as of late. I spent a week in New York state to attend a friend's wedding and then visit NYC (when in Rome... er NY!). Sorry, I wasn't able to do any kayaking while there... oh well.

I have hit water the past three days though. On Friday, myself and one other member of the Pierre Kayak Club decided to see how far up the Bad River we could make it (after all the rain). We abandoned the plan after seeing that the river was still running extremely high and fast. Instead we dinked about in the Missouri.

I spent Saturday scouting out a put-in/take-out at twin bridges, where medicine creek empties into the Missouri River. I didn't feel like putting in off of riprap, so I paddled near Farm Island and saw a couple out in a paddle boat.

Sunday was another dinking around day. I paddled along the Pierre side of La Framboise Island and saw couple of people paddling a canoe.

Also, I found out my new boat should be in by the end of July. The cost of getting what I want... down to the color, I suppose. I figured about that long anyway.

The pictures:

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