“Spend as much time as possible on mountains, in small boats, or otherwise out in the weather; if you never get wet, cold, exhausted or scared, you won’t properly appreciate being dry, warm, rested and safe.” ~ Peter Jay

"I’m an adventuring river rat at heart. Put me on a floating piece of driftwood and I’m happy." ~ Christina Glauner

"There’s folly and foolhardiness on one side and daring and calculation on the other." ~ C.S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower novels

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Canoecopia 2010

Last year, a fellow South Dakota paddler, Ryan S., went to the paddling expo in Madison, WI known as Canoecopia. He raved about it so much that I had to go with him this year to check it out myself. It was fantastic! Shiny boats, cool gear, and great presentations filled up the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. We both sat in many boats and both had favorites, Ryan liked the P & H Scorpio LV and I liked the Current Designs Storm GT. My favorite presentation was by Kevin Callan, a Canadian paddler and writer, that I consider the canoe version of Rick Moranis. He is hilarious. There was also a fitness paddling presentation from Olympian Greg Barton and a presentation of stand up paddle boarding.

I am actually currently looking into making a CD Storm GT into my own boat :) Also, Folbot is having a 15% off sale until March 22nd.


  1. If you end up with the Storm and want to sell your current boat, look me up...

  2. The Carolina will still be a great boat for Split Rock Creek, Skunk Creek, etc. so I plan on keeping it. Though I would be willing to lend it out. Btw, checkout http://groups.google.com/group/pierre-paddlers?pli=1
