Sorry that I haven't posted much lately, Since my trip to Ireland I have not paddled much and when I have it has been the same old routine, La Framboise, and Farm Island. Today I went up to Lake Oahe. I managed to forget my GPS and camera when I left, so I estimated my distance with Google Maps and used my phone for a few pictures.
I drove up to Okobojo Point and launched from camp site #1. I paddled up the bay towards what becomes Okobojo Creek. I started a little late in the day and did not make it to where it begins to look like a creek. I did find a nice, little island. As I approached it, I noticed it was full of seagulls. They scattered as I got closer. It was a neat, little hideaway and I would like camp on it some time. It was about 2.5 miles to the backside of the island, about 5 miles round trip.
View Sea Gull Island in a larger map
This looked like a nice place to take a nap... From 2010-08-01 |
Reminiscent of The Birds... Thank You, Alfred Hitchcock. From 2010-08-01 |
Bloody pirate.wonderful pics,dude.visit mine and become a follower at