“Spend as much time as possible on mountains, in small boats, or otherwise out in the weather; if you never get wet, cold, exhausted or scared, you won’t properly appreciate being dry, warm, rested and safe.” ~ Peter Jay

"I’m an adventuring river rat at heart. Put me on a floating piece of driftwood and I’m happy." ~ Christina Glauner

"There’s folly and foolhardiness on one side and daring and calculation on the other." ~ C.S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower novels

Monday, May 16, 2011

Super Wind/Wave Fun Day

After work I went for a run, during which, I decided that it was windy enough to go play in some waves. The wind was out of the perfect direction for my favorite locale. It was out of the south east and I launched from the causeway and headed towards the bend in the river around La Framboise Island. I had a grand time, though I have caught bigger waves before. The wind today was 20 mph with gusts of 29 mph. I took some video of the fun:

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